K's Dating Tips: First Impressions

Back in January (I know that seems like forever ago) I wrote a dating tips post on how to go from friends to lovers. If you're interested, you can read that here. Well I thought it was time that I should continue my "K's Dating Tips" series. What do you think? Is that something you would like to read on a regular basis? Let me know!

This month I thought I would talk about first impressions on a first date and how to make a good one! With it being summer a lot of us have a little extra time to spend on dating and if you're like me it can be super awkward on first dates. I've put together some ways for you to make first dates a little less painful and get your first impressions spot on!

1. Relax. Don't put so much pressure on the date itself. Make sure that you're just being yourself. After all that is what your date is looking for!

2. Dress comfortably. You don't want to be the girl that half way through the date can't walk because she wore too high of heels and now her feet her. If you're comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, then wear jeans and a t-shirt and maybe spruce it up with fun accessories. Be you!

3. Be decisive. Don't say stuff like "I don't know, what do you think?" or "It's up to you" constantly. You're on this date just as much as he is. Pick something that you would actually enjoy!

4. Get closer. If you're having dinner or drinks, sit next to each other instead of across the table. When you're sitting together, position your bodies so that they are touching or nearly touching. The same goes for when you're walking. If you treat each other like strangers, you will feel like strangers.

5. Be present. Show interest in your date and be an active listener. Don’t let it be all about you.

6. But don't forget to Tell Him About Yourself. Don't just ask him questions all night. Tell him some funny stories, be (reasonably) open about yourself, and joke around. In the end, he will remember the conversations that he had with you!

First dates shouldn't be scary, but we make them. Really it's all about the connection you have with the other person and seeing if there is a future relationship in the making. Make a good first impression and go from there!

Do you have any first date horror stories or any tips that you have for going on first dates? I want to hear from you! Email me at kindlywithk@gmail.com with your first date memories!
"The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves." - William Hazlitt

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