Blogger Spotlight: Christina Ochoa of The Social Butterfly Gal

I’m excited to bring you the first of many blogger spotlights! One of the best things about blogging is all of the amazing people you meet through social media. Christina and I connected on a Twitter chat and I love reading her blog, The Social Butterfly Gal, and all the great advice she gives. Let’s meet Christina!

Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Christina Ochoa and I'm a 24-year-old Digital PR Consultant and Lifestyle Blogger living in San Antonio, Texas.

What inspired or motivated you to first start your blog?
The Social Butterfly Gal was created in 2014 as a way for me to document my adventures while I was interning at a boutique PR business. After my internship had ended in late 2014, I re-branded SBG into a lifestyle blog and also a place where young women can go to for career inspiration. In May of 2015, it became The Social Butterfly Gal, LLC, offering Digital PR services to small businesses + creative professionals in lifestyle industries.

Do you blog full-time, for fun, as a hobby? Share your evolution!
The Social Butterfly Gal has evolved so much in over a year. I just recently celebrated my one year blogaversary. It is now a small business and my career. The Digital PR business side of SBG is what I focus on the most, while the lifestyle blog portion of it is my hobby. I make some profit from time to time from the blog, but the bulk of my income comes from the Digital PR side. It has been such a beautiful transformation from just a blog to a business and I'm loving every minute of it. My audience has grown tremendously in the past year and I've met so many amazing bloggers and PR women because of it.

What’s your favorite thing about being a blogger?
My favorite part about being a blogger is the ability to connect and form amazing relationships with fellow bloggers and PR girls. I am part of a blogger group here in San Antonio and it has been so amazing to get to know all these talented women. I love having that similar interest with others, especially bloggers who aren't from Texas. I've met so many wonderful young women via Twitter chats and collaborations. Blogging has helped me grow in my career and with my writing.

What do you hope your readers walk away with after reading your blog?
I hope readers who come to my blog feel inspired after reading my posts. It is my mission to positively impact those I meet and I would love for them to feel that after reading tips or any other information I have to offer.

Are there any people, or other bloggers, you see as examples or to whom you aspire to?
The San Antonio Bloggers group is one of my inspirations. I also love Callie Gliser from Coffee and Cardigans/ Callie Creates. When I was starting out as a blogger, her blog was one of the first blogs I ever started reading and I was hooked! I've gotten to know her over the past couple of months and she is truly and inspiration.

What advice would you give those who want to go into PR or blogging?
Some of the advice I would give others going into PR or blogging is to always hustle. Stay ahead of the game and work hard. In PR, you constantly have to be on your toes and the same goes with blogging. Have mentors to help guide you through it all and always network!

Follow Christina and The Social Butterfly Gal

"Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down." - Ray Bradbury

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