Choose More, Lose More

Happy Monday!! I know this post is a little late, but I was honestly debating on whether or not I wanted to share this part of my life. As you can see, I've decided to share. This is a long post, so if you don't feel like reading, close the page now! But I hope you will join me on this personal journey to find a healthy and happy life.

A little backstory...I have always been the chubby kid. I never got teased when I was younger or anything like that, but I have always struggled with my weight. When I was 10 I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Luckily for the past 14 years I have managed my condition and I've never had any horrible struggles like I know some people have. Even though I was on the heavier side, I was a pretty active kid. From the ages of 5 to about 14, both my sister and I danced competitively. We were at the dance studio 6 days a week and that was our lives. But I was always bigger than the other girls and that weighed me down - physically and emotionally.

I continued to struggle with my weight into high school until about the end of my freshman year when my mom stepped in and signed me up for LA Weight Loss. Through that program I lost over 50 pounds and it is the best I have ever looked and felt. Unfortunately for me the weight didn't stay off.

Since high school I have put on all the weight I have lost. I attribute this to "life happening." I will openly admit that I am a stress eater. When things get tough, I eat. That has always been the way I am. Food for me equals comfort. Now with that being said, I don't eat that terribly bad, but the pounds add up. My other downfall, other than stress eating, is boredom snacking. The minute I get bored, I tend to look to food to fill that void. Both of these are horrible habits and that's why I've decided to make the change.

Today is Day 1 of my Choose More, Lose More journey. If you don't know who Chris and Heidi Powell are, you're missing out! Every Tuesday on ABC they transform peoples life and today I have taken the first step to transform mine. This is my transformation!

I've decided that I don't want to share my numbers quite yet, because honestly I'm just not ready. But I am here and I'm doing this. I will be posting occasional updates to let everyone know how everything is going and have you be a part of my journey.

If you're in the same boat that I am and am changing your life, or even just looking to make some changes, I want to talk to you! Please reach out on social media @KindlyWithK or shoot me an email -!! Let's do this together!
"Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present." - Bil Keane

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